Agrichema bulk material discharge and blockage prevention

Since October 1980, AGRICHEMA has been providing technology solutions for clearing deposits, discharge, shut off, distribution, meter and loose load bulk solids for the industrial sector.

SHOCK-BLOWER, VIBOSTAR, and ROTOSTAR systems have been the solution to bunker and silo discharge problems for more than 35 years.
Our product range is complemented by components for blocking, dispensing and metering, for loose loading bulk materials.

SHOCK-BLOWER air blast devices store compressed air (or inert gas), then release it as needed in the manner of an explosion.
The automatic cycle control (ATS) for SHOCK-BLOWER is freely programmable.
- Clear material deposits
- Reactivate your existing silo capacities
- Clear deposits in pipes, cyclones
- Prevent the occurrence of channels in silos
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